The Common Objects Layout window manages the Headers and Footers of your Web Site.

The program enables you to create common headers and footers that will be shared by different pages. The program has a unique feature of context-dependent Headers and Footers, e.g., when you place the same Header or Footer in different pages, they are different depending on the page where you have placed it.

You can set headers and footers to pages from the Page Editor window while editing the page, or from the Logical Layout window. Also, you can set the header or footer to resource(s) in the Properties dialog box.

The Common Objects layout window is divided into two sections: Headers and Footers. Each section lists all the objects of that type in your Web Site.

All the functions in this layout are available from three sources: the Common Objects menu, the Common Objects toolbar and the context-sensitive menus, which are loaded when you right-click on the desired item.

New Header/Footer. Add a new Header/Footer to the project by choosing New. A new Header/Footer named Header#/Footer# is added to the project.

Rename Header/Footer. Change Header/Footer name by selecting the desired item, then choose Rename.

Edit Header/Footer. Double-click on the desired Header/Footer, or choose Edit command. The Header/Footer Editor window is displayed, letting you edit the desired item. This window is similar to the Page Editor window, except that Haders and Footers do not have frames because they are not separate pages.

You can also edit Headers and Footers from the Page Editor window. Changes made in any page affect all the pages containing the same Header or Footer.

Delete Header/Footer. Select a header or footer and choose Delete.

Set as Default. Set the Header/Footer as default by selecting the item you want to set as default. Then, choose Set as Default.

Three views are available for each section: Large Icons, Small Icons, List. They work exactly as Windows folder Views.